Event Details

Event ID
Ylith Atema
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Primary reason

Ylith is one awesome Battleteam Leader; there is no other way to put it. Since taking over Night Hawks, our lad has brought new life to the old team...giving members something to aspire for, and I'm not just talking competition medals. I am talking fictional inner-BT promotions, something with are used extremely well for fictional writing or run-ons. Since becoming BTL, he has run/running five competitions of different types (fiction, graphics, flash game); they are (from most recent listed first) = {Night Hawks} Gaming comp; Evasion (1/1/2008), {Night Hawks} Caption Comp - Punchline (1/1/2008), {Night Hawks} Writing Comp - Lightsaber style (1/1/2008), {Night Hawks} Test your Reflexes! (12/19/2007), {Night Hawks} Graphics for the BTL (12/19/2007), {Night Hawks} Fiction; Welcoming the new BTL (12/19/2007). This DC represents his continuing support to his House and Clan. Thank you Ylith...HMR wouldn’t be the House it is now without your support and dedication to our members.

Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2008-01-02 02:44:44 UTC