Event Details

Event ID
General Zentru'la
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
Primary reason

CSP Reclamation: Personal Awards from the Summits: At the conclusion of the most recent Great Jedi War, the members of Clan Scholae Palatinae returned to the Cocytus System - dominion of the Clan - to find a Yuuzhan Vong horde had conquered their lands. Under the command of Phoenix and Lucien, these invaders were defeated and driven off of each of the four planets in a long, excruciating campaign known as Reclamation. The conflict lasted a month, but when the dust had settled the four planets had been recaptured by the feats of the Dark Jedi. Their campaign a success... the Consul bestowed upon them great honors for their individual efforts.

Impetus serves her House - Acclivis Draco - with great dedication and loyalty. Her efforts in the Reclamation campaign were nothing short of brilliant with fifteen submissions to varying events of difficulty; additionally, accruing fifteen Clusters of Fire. With the second most points of the First House, it goes without saying that these efforts were a tremendous part of overcoming House Dorimad Sol - whom had led through the entire event. For brilliant activity in the House vs. House vs. House competition, I commend her with an Anteian Cross... her second of many more to come.

Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2008-01-04 09:23:47 UTC