Event Details

Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

Dark Jedi Knight DarkAmiz is a Member every summit is loath to be without. His enthusiasm and activity is always a welcome site, especially in these bleaker days of winter. In the past two months, since his promotion to DJK, Amiz has demonstrated amazing ability to lead, through his Battleteam, and then as Alanna’s Assistant Envoy. He is an encouraging leader, who seeks to help the younger members and mentor them in the ways of the Club and Clan. By emailing members, he seeks to lend them a hand and advice so that they may make their first promotion quickly. Amiz has also ran several competitions, with varying degrees of success. His more recent being the more successful, in part, I believe due to his experience after the first few. The December “Top 10 Dark Wishes” was fun, and had a large rate of participation, despite the prevailing winter lull in activity. Amiz has proven his work ethic taking a leading position in the Taruma Project, even while he was still a Jedi Hunter. He places loyalty in his House and his Clan, and the Quaestor and I are glad to have him play these roles for us. In addition to his leadership, Amiz has a personal commitment to activity. In the past two months, he has placed in four events, having participated in just as many. House competitions such as my “AED’s Challenge”, and the Shadow Academy’s IRC Trivia seem to be his favorites, with three places just last month in the IRC Trivia! Amazingly, he still finds time to game and take part in many other competitions. He’s demonstrated this activity in the 10 CFs he won in December, as well as the first place awarded for the Consul’s “Bring the Thunder” competition, based upon his level of activity in the MP Gaming platforms. If that weren’t enough, Amiz has devoted time to the ACC, raising his rank to Sentinel. For his Hard Work, Consistent Activity, and Leadership, it is my great pleasure to award this Antei Cross to Dark Jedi Knight DarkAmiz! Congrads!

~AED Vodo Biask

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2008-01-29 21:38:10 UTC