Event Details

Event ID
Ayden Dane
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Sage Lontra Boglach
Primary reason

With my appointment to QUA I finally have the ability to recommend something for Adien to show my thanks for what he has done for the house in the past several months. When Adien took over Aedile under the leadership of Archean, he had little time to get adjusted to the job before Archean 's real life began to call him away leaving Adien to handle the majority of administration duties but Adien rose to the challenged and managed. In the clan history month Adien helped inspired the tridens membership to compete through his activity and promotion. And when I was appointed to the position of Rollmaster and House Envoy of Tridens, Adien stayed on as an assistant to help me with my new job while training me to be the competent leader I am today. Finally, in the past month when Archean was having computer problems, Adien returned early from his LoA so that there was someone around here and there to help me run the house even though he suffered from internet problems of his own and a stressful and demanding job in real life.

With Adien’s recent resignation from Aedile, I would like this award to represent a thanks in whole from the Tridens membership for the activities he performed and our apology that he couldn’t stay on longer. Thanks Adien, you truly deserved this.

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2008-02-11 17:05:03 UTC