Event Details

Event ID
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Kraval Taldrya
Primary reason

On behalf of Sarin:

Phoenix has served as Consul of CSP with elan, skill, loyalty, and dedication. His work has been varied and wide in its scope to improve his Clan and the Dark Brotherhood as a whole.

Over the past nine months Phoenix has crafted and shaped the CSP Paths program designed to enhance and improve CSP. This program was submitted with documentation and a design that is uncanny in its similarity to the upcoming Dark Brotherhood discipline system. Although I delayed the release of the CSP system, I cannot discount the quality of work and effort that was put into it.

Phoenix has also been a major part of the design of an advanced system of PET ownership in CSP. This system is byond anything that the other clans utilize and is an excellent hold over until the DB possessions system is released. This well thought out and creative system offers CSP members a fair set of rules for obtaining PETS and creatures. CSPs affinity with animals and animalism make this system one that is natural and perfect for CSP's members.

Phoenix has also remained as a torch bearer for behavior and responsibility in the DB. His ethical approach and devotion to maintaining a standard of behavior within his Clan has improved the Dark Brotherhood as a whole. His open mindedness in the recent settlement of disputes with Clan Arcona has improved the atmosphere of the DB greatly.

These three major achievements in addition to Phoenix's daily duties as Consul are more than enough to make him a perfect choice for the AK.

Congratulations Phoenix!

Grand Master Sarin Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood***************************************

Phoenix has grown considerably since he first joined the Clan Scholae Palatinae Summit in the Fall of 2006. Since then, he has acted as both the Clan's Proconsul and, now, the Clan Consul. From his perch atop the Clan's hierarchy he has helped steer the Clan through a tumultuous period into the great success they experience today.

He has been a driving force and catalyst for the Clan at times of Brotherhood-wide war, or Vendettas, since his appointment. He has helped lead the Clan through the most recent Great Jedi War: Incursion. Under his sage guidance, the Clan achieved the honor of Second Clan. This is due, largely, on his ability to step up in the final half of the Vendetta and with willpower, drive his Clan to a strong finish. It was also at his insistence that we modified our Battle Plan and adjusted midway through to facilitate our final placing. But he was not done here, as he was working with me to secure our future. By breaking apart what went wrong and analyzing the individual parts, we made lasting plans on how to lower the leader:member ratio and streamline the Envoy contact process. As well as make additional appointments that were necessary to open a third house and replace our Summit that had been cemented for almost an entire year.

Undaunted by his new position, Phoenix geared the Clan up for a major, fictional campaign following the Great Jedi War - Clan Scholae Palatinae's "Reclamation Campaign." Advising and overseeing, Phoenix ensured the Clan transitioned from fictional ruin (where the Vong had conquered the Cocytus System) to a jubilant celebration of our Clan's progression. With Lucien at his side, he oversaw a 30 event competition that ran the course of 33 days and awarded well over one hundred individual crescents. He would then cycle this momentum into the CSP Winter Games where over 30 individuals would participate and another thirty six awards would be handed down. He has also seen a tremendous amount of fictional growth during his tenure, as the Quaestors have developed their Houses and his Clan has seen a phenomenal jump in background and detail (Clan Dominion, Legions Update, Fleet Reset, etc).

All in all, Phoenix is a leader with vision. And he possesses the necessary tenacity to follow up and ensure his subordinates follow through on their promises. He is well deserving of an Amethyst Kukri and I am honored to share just a few reasons why he deserves it.

Braecen Kaeth***************************************

Phoenix is a great guy, and he does everything for his Clan-mates. Even though it has only been about seven months since his last promotion, this guy has more than earned special recognition for all of his feats, deeds, and everything else that he does . Sure, sometimes I get annoyed with his sluggishness and inability to grow a spine, but that's because I'm an impatient little kicker. If it weren't for Phoenix, Clan Scholae Palatinae would have been a complete failure.

He was appointed to Consul about five months ago, and, in that time, he has done so much for everyone around him. Initially, it was a rocky start - Braecen resigned after eleven months as Consul and massive leadership shifts occurred throughout the Clan. Pho got lost pretty easily, and he needed everyone's help to make sure he stayed on track and did the necessary work... and he stayed on track. He sped down that track like a speeding freight train with a red caboose!

As everyone should know by now, I have almost zero tolerance for absolute, unintentional idiocy. I supported Sith Warlord Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine on his bid for Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae. I'm proud to say it. I'm proud to say that one of my closest brothers is now the leader of one of the Brotherhood's most illustrious Clans.

The Amethyst Kukri is awarded for someone who accomplishes A and B the C of D on a specific task. In my mind, there is one task that Phoenix has focused his entire heart, soul, and puny mind on... stability. Stability within the Clan's membership, stability within the Clan's leadership, stability with inter-Clan relationships, stability with Clan competitions/events... Phobird does it all, and he does it all without going insane.

Under Phoenix's reign, Scholae Palatinae has continued to flourish. With multiple projects underway, and many deserving members elevated, he has probably contributed the most to our Clan's overall development. With his guidance, the Facilities project, Dominion project, and numerous others have really begun to progress into their final stages of development. Under his guidance, House Dorimad Sol has been reawakened and become an integral part of Scholae Palatinae. With Phoenix, I have learned so much, and I really want to thank him for everything: his encouragement, support, mentorship, and all those great experiences that have made me really think and say, "What the...?"

If we consider our Clan a game of chess, Braecen developed the pawns to begin the game and earn our Clan an advantage. Now, Phoenix is developing the bigger pieces, taking out the real firepower, and concentrating on accomplishing the one goal that has eluded all the other Clans in the Brotherhood: taking down the King - the King that lays dormant on the other side of the field. Phoenix is great, and he is continuing our previous successes with his own in a way that many thought impossible. Even I thought that this was impossible... but he's changed my mind about him and the way he works.

Of course, we have our conflicts, and we don't always see eye-to-eye, but that's all right because Phoenix is awesome. Contrary to popular belief, Pho and I have plenty of fights, disagreements, skirmishes, red-light raids... Usually, it's because I'm an arrogant little prick, but that's all right because Phoenix is awesome.

Thank you, Phoenix. Thank you, and congratulations. You are, in its purest form, Clan Scholae Palatinae, and I salute you, my brother, for bringing a new sense of excellence to the table.

I look forward to working as one of your Quaestors for several more months, if not years, to come.

-- Krath Epis RevengeX Palpatine Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco Son of Palpatine

Kraval Taldrya, 2008-02-27 06:56:48 UTC