Event Details

Event ID
Lokasena "Sena" Corvinus.
Dark Cross
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

Dark Jedi Knight Lokasena Corvinus (#7384), better known as Sena, has shown an amazing amount of activity this month. Sena entered into three competitions and placed in two! In addition to this outstanding performance, Sena contributed a fine work of Fiction to the Taldryan Newsletter, the Taldryan Times. Sena has also been a great leader of his Battle Team, providing three competitions for them over the course of his tenure there, as well as providing consistent reports to his Tyros as well as his House Summit. ItÂ’s with a thankful tear that we see him prepare to step down as Tetrarch of Phoenix Phyle. He is an inspiration to younger members with his constant email and IRC presence, a consistently high level of activity from month to month, and on a lesser note, for being a good guy. For his great amount of activity, and as a thank you gift for his service to Phoenix Phyle and the House of Ektrosis, it is my great pleasure to award this Dark Cross to him.

Congratulations Sena!

~AED Vodo Biask

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2008-03-04 19:55:50 UTC