Andryan "Ace" Queldom has a unique quality about him. Not only is he very friendly, and willing to take on any task put before him, he is one of the most active members of House Ektrosis. In April alone, he managed to gain 69 Clusters of Fire in ICTE and Gaming Night participation, placed in a Clan Competition (which netted a total of 10 Crescents with Quartz!), and took and passed two higher level Shadow Academy Course. The Test of Wisdom is a large undertaking when compared to the other courses available, and the same can be said about the Leadership Basics Course. Because of his high level of activity, and commitment to high effort, it is my distinct pleasure to award Ace this Dark Cross.
~AED Vodo Biask
Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2008-04-06 10:48:43 UTC