Event Details

Event ID
Zaxen Isradia
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Primary reason

First Dark Librarian (March 2008) and first Progeny of Ragnos; Zaxen has been a front runner in his House project, a strong influence to say the least. Not only did he write up the fictional castes with another member, but his feedback and input have been essential. He was the first person I turned too after the Scions section was completed, as I knew character development was something we shared deeply, and as a Progeny what was written would affect his character. He simply loved it. I couldnt have done this project without him, this is the only way I can think that shows my appreation; I hereby request a Dark Cross for Zaxen. Congratulations. - SBM Ashura Megos Isradia, QUA of HMR.

Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2008-04-22 01:14:20 UTC