Event Details

Event ID
Legorii Arconae
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Legorii has proven a major assest to my Battleteam. He has given encouragment to the other members, helped me with Storyline development and offered his advice on ideas that I bring up.

Also, Legorii has never failed to submit in a Blue Mist competition and his writings excel. Legorii is also a great assest to House Galeres and the Brotherhood in general. So to you my good friend. Thank you for your dedication and service...may it continue!

Legorii has participated in every comp I have run. Those include

*Back to the Empire *Ambush!!! *Cian (RO) *Ylesian Twilight (RO) Etc.

Legorii also participated a great deal in the House Feud in Clan Arcona as well as the IGs, even though they are not even over. Legorii also has placed in comps run by Raken and House Galeres Summit, as well as applying for and getting the position of Obelisk Core EP. As you can see, Legorii is a massive asset to all!

Talos, 2008-04-24 20:11:35 UTC