Event Details

Event ID
Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya
Steel Cross
Requested by
Driftan Balephor
Primary reason

For his excellence and ever persisting greatness in the name of House Ektrosis, we the summit are most proud to present Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo with this Steel Cross. Where do I begin. I cannot even begin the describe the amount of devotion Vardar has shown this past month. His gaming alone during the Independence Games of 2008 was extraordinary. Vardar is literally the new Taldryan Gaming Machine. Against the odds of having to deal with his real life duties, Vardar still managed to pull in an extremely impressive 3rd overall in gaming. His Cluster of Fire count for the past month ranks at 142, an impressive amount for anyone in a single month. He pulled in an outstanding 119 overall wins for Jedi Academy, scoring him as second most JA wins for the entire Games. I am extremely honored to have Vardar under our banner as Ektrosis, and hope to see more from him in the future. He is truly, what all members of Taldryan should strive to be in the gaming world. He has the skill, dedication, and raw talent that brings us wins in Vendettas every year. You’ve earned this one Vardar, I look forward to working with you in the future.

Driftan Balephor, 2008-05-30 22:14:02 UTC