Event Details

Event ID
Yeldarb Vohokou
Steel Cross
Requested by
RevengeX Palpatine
Primary reason

Although Yeldarb is now taking time away from the Dark Jedi Brotherhood due to a medical problem, I have just realized that I have not yet fully recognized, and appreciated, the contributions that he made, or tried to make. Even though Yeldarb was not my favorite member, he tried very hard to make a name for himself, and I think that it would be a shame if I never recognized him for this.

In the three-and-a-half months after being promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight in November 2007, he has earned a large number of medals: 26 Clusters of Fire and 9 Crescents (1 Cr-E, 6 Cr-T, 2 Cr-Q). Alone, this collection of medals could have easily earned him a Dark Cross, but I have decided to combine his activity, effort, and enthusiasm into another Steel Cross.

He served a two-month term as the last Star Wars Galaxies Tribune, but was swept into an unfortunate event that resulted in him receiving an Official Letter of Reprimand from the Chamber of Justice. He had so many ideas and potential reforms for the Player's Association, but the DBPA was dissolved soon afterwards. Thank you for trying your best.

About a month afterwards, Yeldarb wanted to have another chance at leading a unit in the Dark Brotherhood. I can't blame him. I appointed him the Obelisk Sergeant of the Dragon Guard battleteam, and he led the unit successfully and created two competitions during this time: "Dragon Guard NPCs" and "Over the ramparts we watched." Soon, he learned that he would have to deal with PTSD, and resigned from his post.

Yeldarb Vohokou, thank you for what you have done for the Brotherhood, and good luck.

-- RevengeX Palpatine Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco

RevengeX Palpatine, 2008-05-31 14:03:53 UTC