Event Details

Event ID
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Grand Cross
Requested by
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
Primary reason

I've had the pleasure of working with Angelo Dante for the last 4 or 5 months. During this time he has worked as House Dorimad Sol's Rollmaster, and he has done an impeccable job. When ever we have new recruits, Dante is there with an email to welcome them. Most importantly, he CCs me so that I know what he's doing. Furthermore, Dante is always there to remind me when a journeyman needs a promotion or a medal request. With my busy schedule, I can always rely on Dante to get the job done and to get it done properly. Without asking, Dante compiles the AWOL lists, MSP lists, and other various information. This makes working in and around HDS much more simple. Dante's experience in the EHDB has brought a new breath to our continually growing house and it continues to do so on a regular basis.

I cannot say enough good things about Dante's tenure as RollMaster. I am very happy that I selected him and am very glad that our friendship has grown. Being able to balance RM, LHoJ, and all the other things that Dante does is something that I will never be able to do. Not only does Dante do it, but he does it with the same excitement everyday.

Dante also shows a great pride for his House. In all our events, Dante is sure to compete and aid us in our fight. Medals that litter his medal case are pure evidence of this. While vendetta participation is important, it is the things that Dante does on a normal day which truly merit this reward for him. Dante is always on top of gaming. I would play him more often, but he kicks so much ass that I never win!

Dante competes in every gaming event, scoring massive amounts of points for our Clan. It seems like a small thing, but the presence in the gaming community is an important lure for the growth of our Clan. I applaud Dante on his continued domination of the DJB's gaming world.

All in all, there is no Rollmaster in the Brotherhood that deserves recognition more than Angelo Dante. I am proud to say that he is in my House, my Clan, and above all, this club. Dante, my enforcer, HDS loves you. Congratulations and thank you for everything you do for us!

-SBL Thran Occasus, QUA of House Dorimad Sol

Angelo Dante. High General of the Legions of Scholae. Trusted advisor. Friend. All these characteristics make Dante one of the first people that I go to whenever I have an issue. His extensive knowledge of the Brotherhood, both in its current form and the EHDB, serves as a wonderful repository of wisdom and insight.

Currently serving as the Rollmaster for Dorimad Sol, Dante is constantly in the Summit ’s conversations on leadership. His style of leadership is one to be mimicked. He has a largely hands off approach, unless a heavy hand is more suited. He is able to adapt to the many changes of CSP and keep on rolling. He shows his loyalty to his Clan in the face of direct offers from other Clans for higher leadership positions, something that is to be admired.

Overall, Dante is all that a Summit member could ask for in a Rollmaster/Envoy. He is quick with responses, emails, and answers to questions. He emails all new arrivals to Dorimad Sol within 12 hours, most almost immediately. Basically, he epitomizes what an Envoy/Rollmaster should be and should strive towards.

The pinnacle of Merit Awards is the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. It should not ever be given lightly, and I truly believe that Dante is the clearest example of the type of member that should receive this prestigious award. It is my honor to recommend Angelo Dante to receive the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

~Exarch Lucien Kaeth ProConsul of Scholae Palatinae

Dante is a fiend, plain and simple. He goes out and gives his all for the Clan every chance he gets. Whether it be the gaming thats he dominates or helping the summit behind the scenes with the military and giving his insight on subjects at hand. He has become an amazing asset to the summits of CSP. His job as Rollmaster is done flawlessly and without fail. He is giving his all to make sure that the new members progress farther in the DB, as well as helping us clear the HDS roster of those who have lacked behind and fallen out of contact. He has proven his merit on numerous occasion and is sticking to making CSP the most dominate clan of the DB. I am proud to have Dante a member of my clan and I am honored to recommend him for his first Grand Cross. This undoubtedly will be the first of many great awards I will bestow on him, and look forward to his hard work an dedication in the coming months.

Phoenix Palpatine Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2008-06-02 20:51:52 UTC