Medal Request: Steel Cross
OT Yzarc Rellik Kaeth (8734)
Since his last elevation, Yzarc has shown the conviction and maturity we expect of role models in our club. His progression as a leader, and a member, has been demonstrated in multiple facets. And we would not be as strong of a club without his efforts.
He collected thirty eight Clusters of Fire, Dark Maven: Service, a Topaz Crescent, ran three competitions, posted several reports and filled the positions of Aedile, Quaestor and Proconsul. But this is but a small taste of what he did for his unit that cannot be tracked via the web site. Each week he combed his House roster for candidates for elevation/reward, audited his e-mail groups, contacted his members and spent countless hours monitoring #scholae (and now #plagueis) to ensure a clean, fun atmosphere for our members. Additionally, he has - since joining Plagueis - been tasked with reviewing our current materials (contact letters, mentorship letters, wiki articles, project drafts, etc) for mistakes and continuity issues. Editing is a thankless job, but one that plays a vital role in the development of our Clan. One such task was the review of the "War of Ascension" (a new major, clan initiative) that will bridge our history from one era into a new one. This included review of the proposal, the battle points, a long fiction (by Ashron) and the forthcoming material that is to be condensed and added to our Clan Wiki.
As a Leader, Zarc provides an interesting element to the mix. He goes beyond weekly reports. He sends out weekly ICTE reminders, weekly Star Wars News and a variety of reminders, and words of encouragement, to his Clan. And he does it beyond our little realm, as well. Recently he recruited Vorn to our Clan and has been immersing him in both our club and the Star Wars universe. This, to me, is the sign of a role model. And I believe he has earned this award for his many months of leadership in both Scholae Palatinae and Plagueis.
Braecen Kaeth
Consul of Clan Plagueis
Braecen Kaeth, 2008-06-15 18:15:15 UTC