Event Details

Event ID
Terran Koul
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Primary reason

Alaric has been extremely active lately. He has been spotted on IRC numerous times and enjoys talking to members, and encouraging them to get out and get active. But he not only does so by his word but also by his actions. Lately Alaric has done a ship load of SA courses, including Sith Core, Astronomy, Obelisk Core, General Leadership, Run On studies, history of the Sith Empire 1, Pre- Republic History, IRC channel Operator studies, and I hear there are even more on the way to be graded. He has also entered all the Night Hawks competitions, including recently the ones to help in future fictions and runons, those being to create some riddles and code words when new orders or to be handed down, help is needed, a greeting to make sure they are a Night Hawk member, and various other possible scenarios. Because of all his hard work I believe that Alaric definitely deserves this Dark Cross.

Krath Priestess Jades 'Imperial' Atema Night Hawks Battle Team Leader House Marka Ragnos Clan Naga Sadow

Mal'ari'carun (better known as Alaric) has been working very hard in the last week on Shadow Academy exams. He has completed the following courses: Pre-Republic History, IRC Channel Operator Studies, History of the Sith Empire I, History of the Sith Empire II, Runon Studies, General Leadership, Obelisk Core, Astronomy, Sith Core and Chamber of Justice. That is an impressive feat, as we (the Clan Summit) would like to reward Alaric for all the hard work that he put into those exams... alot of them were not that easy to do (like the CoJ exam), but Alaric hung in there and passed an impressive amount. Congrats on your award! - Battlemaster Alector Isradia Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Mal'ari'carun or Alaric has been a great example to the journeymen and other clan members alike recently. Currently he has completed a total of 10 Shadow Academy courses in the past 2 days alone and I believe there are several others that he's waiting to have graded as well. That's quite an accomplishment, especially when you consider courses like the CoJ exam. He's presence on IRC has been a great encouragement to the clan and he is always willing to lend advice to newer members and offer his time to his summit in anything that needs done. His diligence and dedication have been an inspiration to to this clan and it is with great pleasure I recommend this Dark Cross for loyalty, commitment and hard work.

Epis Ashia Kagan Keibatsu Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, 2008-07-08 17:27:19 UTC