Event Details

Event ID
Jades A Sadow
Steel Cross
Requested by
Derev Niroth
Primary reason

Jade has competed in a number of competitions, has worked hard with summit and submitted regular reports and has been an excellent leader, has done a number of courses. She has lead both in words and through actions, and has done everything that one could ask that would allow her this accolade. ~SW Alexander Anderson Aedile of House Marka Ragnos

Jade has been around since the last time I was QUA, and her work ethic and dedication to HMR and the DB in general has yet to fail. Jade has been BTL of the Night Hawks since January, and has shown immense dedication to her job. A quick view of her dossier shows her activity, 14 crescents in the last 3 months. That's no small feat. She's also provided insane ammounts of competitions for her BT and House. The only merit medal Jade has recieved in 2008 is a Dark Cross. It is high time we recognize her outstanding achievements as a Battleteam Leader. Therefore, I'm pleased to award her this Steel Cross. Congratz Jade!

Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Derev Niroth, 2008-07-25 13:30:53 UTC