Event Details

Event ID
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Steel Cross
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

What can one say to the man who has been singly the most important member of Cestus? Or what reward is due to the individual who is responsible for so many behind the scenes ideas, projects, and input? For months, Bloodfyre has provided the impetus for many projects in Cestus. As the unofficial second in command of our Battle Team, he has worked hard to weave their story into the tapestry that is the fiction of Clan Tarentum. He is further responsible for much of the direction of the Team run-on and coordinating communication via gmail threads. Further, BF has remained insanely active, being named Combat Master, winning and/or placing in many of the Independence Game compeitions, has participated in all 3 stages of the current clan compeition. Although he has not been publicly praised as often as he should be, the Summit of Cestus owes Bloodfyre an enormous debt. BF my friend I hope that this token of appreciation is well recieved.

Recommended on behalf of Sato Tarentae and restored because of a database failure - DA Syn Kaek

Syn Kaek, 2008-08-25 17:53:13 UTC