From SW Odin Vaaj Corsair Tenacious and understanding. Perhaps those characteristics were the ones I most admired from Templar Raiju Corsair, when I had a chance to help him as his Aedile and still, after I succed him now as the Quaestor of Tridens. He has strong willing and effort to enforce Tridens, equipping anything that Tridens should have as a substantial house to look at. He believed that Tridens would be one of the accountable houses in the DB and perhaps exceeding over others, to replay the glory in Tridens History. Of course, the goal would not be achieved in one night, and he made firm foundation to the new members as well as the veterans, blend as the next generation to help Tridens gaining its future victory. Eventhough he has not done with all projects, he made some priorities of the ideas and wished us, the members around him to work together for Tridens whether they were leaders or regular members. Tridens Chronicles and Tridens Wiki were two things of his bright ideas that already done quite good and would be maintained further along with Tridens' progress.Tridens as the Clan Tarentum Summits Sentinel, the royal guards was his novel and brilliant idea to give the members more roles to dwell in the House and Clan, as well as Tridens website that will be launched in the near future. He continuously pumps our spirit to care for Tridens and Tarentum eventhough he is now staying as a regular member in Tridens. He is always easy to give a hand to all that need his assistance. He has keen foresight, skillful experience for a leader and this makes him as one of the great assets Tridens is proud to have. He is always a good leader to us, as I discern in my native wisdom of leadership, when he was at front he has shown great examples, when he is in the midst currently of us, he is still motivating us and keeps initiative, and he will support to Tridens to achieve overall goals as high as shall be from the rear. Raiju, it is a great treasure for us to know you, to work with you and to have you as a housemate, a leader, one of the Corsair brothers and of course, a good friend in character and out of character. Thank you for what you have done for Tridens when you were the Roll Master and Quaestor and thank you also for what you have taught me when I was your Aedile. Tridens is very gratified to have you. We hope that this award can represent Tridens' gratefulness to recognize your dedicated effort. From Anshar- Odin has already touched on the numerous projects that Raiju began and/or completed during his tenure as Quaestor of Tridens. However, Raiju also served as an advisor to the Clan Summit, always more than willing to give feedback on various ideas. Raiju's leadership of the house actually began back when he was Rollmaster, and both the aedile and quaestor were struck by real life isses. He already received an Antenian Cross for that, but I believe it is worth mentioning again here because these actions build upon themselves. My apologies for this being so late. Tarentum remembers those who serve her well, and I hope that Raiju will return one day to a leadership position within the clan.
Recommended on behalf of Anshar and restored because of a database failure - DA Syn Kaek
Syn Kaek, 2008-08-25 17:55:16 UTC