Event Details

Event ID
Yadar Shyk
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

I would like to award Yadar Pertinax Mandalore for a Anteian Corss for his recent activity in the Uneasy Alliances Feud. Yadar participated in the Clan run-on, FLash Game and the week one All Clans Short fiction. While Yadar did not place in any of the events he gave what he could for the glory of his Clan and House. For this I would like to reward him for his efforts and hope to see him do what he can in future events for our glorious Royal Clan!

  • AED Daniel Stephens

Yadar has been very active as a member of my House, and Im proud to have him. He's also been active, even if the competition or activity is not his strong point. He asks questions when he doesnt know, and try his hardest to learn and succeed. Little more can be asked of him. As stated above, he has been amazing active in the Feud. Also, he has give me two competition ideas, both of which made it to competitions, one which he is running. I thank him for his work in my House, and hope he will do equally well in his new home.

  • QUA Brent Victae

This medal is for his acitivity in House Caliburnus, and would have been given anyways had he not transfered.

Archangel Palpatine, 2008-10-13 06:20:23 UTC