Event Details

Event ID
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Grand Cross
Requested by
Warlord Robert Sadow
Primary reason

Wow! Old Silly Dinosaurs can still participate! Watch out everyone, Macron scored 1762 points out of 11501, coming in at 15.3% and just barely missing Zaxen. Macron definitely showed his House and Clan what one old Equite and a bag of tricks can do. Macron seriously closed the gap on Zaxen, and had the Feud just been an event or two longer, he would've likely surpassed Zaxen and claimed MVP himself. Macron really broke boundaries with the scoring system setup the way it was, and he did it with style. For all his amazing work during the House Feud, and taking home the title of Runner Up Most Valuable Player, I'm extremely honor to lend my voice to his recommendation for a Grand Cross! Hoorah! ~SBM Derev Niroth, QUA of HMR

Macron Sadow scored 1762 points in the Clan Naga Sadow House Feud "Battle for Inos", which was Second in overall individual points awarded in the House Feud. He also participated in 15 of the 19 events, and placed 1st in 4 events, 2nd in 4 events, and 3rd in 1 event. He earned an amazing 10 Crescents (1 Amethyst, 3 Sapphires, 3 Emeralds, 1 Topaz, 1 Quartz) and a Legion of Scholar in the House Feud showing a high level of quality in his participation. He lead the Clan by posting 15 times in the Clan Run On portion of the Feud helping the story develop and come to a close for House Ludo Kressh. For his amazing effort and skill in the Battle for Inos, Clan Naga Sadow is pleased to award Macron the Grand Cross. –CON Robert Sadow

Warlord Robert Sadow, 2008-10-23 12:48:16 UTC