Event Details

Event ID
Famosus Aspicio
Grand Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Medal Request: Grand Cross of the Dark Side Krath Priest Famosus Aspicio (6124)

The Grand Cross is the gateway medal between the merit medals and the sacrificial blades. And, thus, is recognized as a great honor for its recipient; an indicator of their future potential and the activity and leadership already provided in the name of the Brotherhood.

Since his last award (not counting 2008 Independence Games related material), Famosus has been a consistent, active force within House and Clan. He has completed in fourteen competitions (Braecen Said What?, Caption Contest, Consul's Report Trivia, Death Star Deluxe, We Love Cake, Current Events {June, August, November}, the War of Ascension and more) and represented the Clan in several Gaming Nights. Earning thirteen clusters of fire and a Scroll of Indoctrination.

Yet, it was his work as Clan Roll Master that was most telling. Famosus is accredited with creating a clan envoy e-mail address where he could handle a host of duties and allow for his leadership team to have complete access to check in on his work. Amongst his duties were weekly mentorship e-mails (to each APP-PRT, every time, every week), new member contact e-mails (three separate e-mails), auditing rosters for potential promotions in the Journeymen ranks, auditing mailing lists, and answering many, many questions. Specifically, Famosus was the point of contact for up and coming members such as Ralph Vundu (HEK AED), Kara Rohana (CP DJK), Bal Demona (CP JH), Ashron (CP JH) and many more whom now stand on the threshold of Dark Jedi Knight. All duties he gladly accepted for nearly four months and performed without missing a beat.

Most recently, he undertook the duty of rewriting the weekly contact letters to reflect the updates from the Master At Arms office. The new e-mails provide the most direct path to Dark Jedi Knight, explain the reward for completion of tasks and provide concise, articulate language for new members whom are oft overwhelmed by the Brotherhood's immensity. His service, his activity and his mentorship are a testament to his passion for the club and it is time we aptly reward all the little things at once.

Braecen Kaeth Consul of Plagueis

Braecen Kaeth, 2008-11-18 07:01:33 UTC