Event Details

Event ID
Nihil Zayne
Dark Cross
Requested by
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Primary reason

Over the last couple of months Nihil Zayne has proven to be an outstanding member of Dorimad Sol and a team player. After some grueling times and real life issues, he has made his way back and gotten to work doing the requirements necessary to work his way to Dark Jedi Knight. Although he has decided to make his make towards Knighthood without the assistance of a Master, Nihil has been in constant communication, asking me what is necessary to complete his trials and does his best to encourage younger members.

Robin Hawk Rollmaster of House Dorimad Sol

Nihil has been very active over the past month, and he is working hard to not only meet his requirements for Dark Jedi Knight but to surpass them. He has run two competitions in the past month, entered 4 other competitions, earned two crescents for his troubles, and he participated in the "Their can be only one" gaming tournament. He has also been very active in both email and IRC communication, and he has applied for a battle team leadership position. Overall, Nihil has been one of our most active members for the past month, and I hope to continue to see improvement and activity from him in the future.

General Kell Palpatine Dante, 2008-11-21 10:46:34 UTC