Event Details

Event ID
RenNi Tyron
Dark Cross
Requested by
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Primary reason

RenNi Tyron has been in constant communication through IRC and Email. He has already done eight Shadow Academy courses since joining only one month ago and like myself, struggles with grammar and vocabulary. He has told me that he doesn't let this stop him from trying to do his best and will accept any help necessary to get better. This is a very strong thing to do and admit. His goals include; participating in many competitions, playing in as many games as possible and continuing to complete SA courses working his way to Knight hood.

Robin Hawk Rollmaster of Dorimad Sol

RenNi has been very active in the single month that he has been in House Dorimad Sol. He has pretty much participated in every competition that is available including Gaming Nights, taken 8 SA courses, been active on IRC and with email communication, and earned 2 crescents for placing in events. As he is off to a good start, I am sure that he will continue on his journey to Dark Jedi Knight with the same fervor that has accompanied his first month with us.

General Kell Palpatine Dante, 2008-11-21 10:51:45 UTC