Event Details

Event ID
Koryn Palpatine Thraagus
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

From RM KP Kalak Ragnose:

In the past few weeks, Koryn has been a fount of activity. He has participated in several competitions, passed another SA exam with a high score and earned himself a crescent with Quartz star for his efforts. He is constantly on IRC and often participates in discussions with meaningful comments. Most importantly, Koryn has produced four logos for me for a company that I'm in the process of creating for HAD. They are of a high quality and will be included in the polished version of the company document. For this, and being a first class member of Acclivis Draco, I recommend Koryn for a Dark Cross.

From QUA Timbal Palpatine:

I agree with RM KP Kalak Ragnose. Guardian Koryn Thraagus has been a model of activity in the past month, a worthy example to the rest of the House. Congratulations, Koryn!

Lambow, 2008-11-25 12:29:57 UTC