Event Details

Event ID
Quintan Tylax
Dark Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

Upon joining house Ektrosis, and Clan Taldryan more importantly, 10 days ago, Quintan has passed 10 Shadow Academy courses, has held good and well thought communication with the Summit and Clan via Email and IRC, and has created a new Character Sheet with little to no effort at all. To say the least, Quintan is more than deserving of this, and we the Summit are more than happy to award our newest, and certainly most active member with your first Dark Cross! - Sidarace Rathden AED Ektrosis of Taldryan

--Since rejoining the Brotherhood a little more than two weeks ago, Quintain has shown himself to be a valuable asset to this house and clan. Though this Jedi Hunter is technically a longer term member than even I am, he has seen none of the developments or additions to our club since before the Exodus, and has taken to Shadow Academy with such a fervor that I can only describe as fanatical. It is nice, in a time when we have almost no other house-level activity, to see someone making the most of their time. His explosive activity since rejoining more than qualifies him for this early Holiday Gift.

Congratulations Quin!

~QUA Vodo Biask Krath Archpriest Planetary Viceroy of Taruma

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2008-12-13 21:41:22 UTC