Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia
Primary reason

Medal Request: Dark Cross PRT Mograine (4490) During my time as a leader of Satal Keto -Battle Team Leader, Aedile, Quaestor - Mograine has shown himself to be one of the most active Journeymen in House Satal Keto. His activity and dedication serving as a standard for what I hope all Protectors will aim for. And a Dark Cross seems befitting of his activity level. Mograine has entered into eight (8) competitions and received awards in seventy five percent of them! Those six crescents (5 Cr-E, Cr-Q) are an impressive feat for a young, upcoming Journeyman. In addition, he has received a Legion of the Scholar for a trivia event hosted by Grand Master Sarin. Finally, Mograine is a consistent figure in his Clan IRC channel (#plagueis); partaking and adding to the fun and lively atmosphere we have cultivated there. He also has contributed to our newfound awareness and activity on the Message Forums. And he serves as a great example for his peers to look up to. Without a doubt, he has satisfied the requirements for his first merit medal in the Dark Brotherhood with his constant activity, desire to learn, ability to communicate and dedication to will himself through the ranks of the Brotherhood. Vivackus Kavon Quaestor of Satal Keto

Vivackus Kavon di Plagia, 2009-02-07 19:16:43 UTC