Event Details

Event ID
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Dark Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Medal Request: Dark Cross PRT Sanguinius Tscucyra (10407)

Today I have the honor of requesting Sang's first merit award: a Dark Cross. He has, without direction, been a source of activity and innovation within both his House and Clan. For all of his hard work, I believe he has earned this medal.

In response to challenges of tracking new activity in a concise, comprehensive manner, he devised an activity tracker for members ranked from Apprentice to Jedi Hunter. Thus, allowing me to keep their activity in one, central location that allows greater ease in tracking. The result has been an improved Journeymen retention and engagement rate. He did not stop here, however, he actually went through their dossiers and filled in relevant information: pin#, rank, name, courses, etc. His dedication piqued the interest of the Consul and now, after much effort, reformatted the entire Clan activity tracker.

His new product allows for the archiving of submissions (by participant), results (by competition), and a detailed and dated table that records the monthly achievements of all members. A task he has willingly embraced for the betterment of the entire clan and his fellow members. This is outstanding effort from a Protector and is well deserving of recognition and praise. Thank you for going out of your way to innovate and assist your Roll Master and Consul for the betterment of Clan Plagueis.

Cethgus Kuga Clan Roll Master

Braecen Kaeth Consul of Plagueis

Braecen Kaeth, 2009-02-18 18:32:14 UTC