Event Details

Event ID
James StarGazer
Dark Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

James’s Recc. Getting a late start, James StarGazer joined Taldryan during the second to third week of the Brotherhoods Ninth Great Jedi War: Unification, bringing a bright breath of fresh air and exuberance with him to IRC, and to Taldryan in itself. Participating in roughly 5 events in the latest Vendetta, participation in the graphics, fiction, gaming and trivia events, James has more than proven himself to be a true Taldryan. With his great activity on IRC and over the clan message boards, little did the time go by when I did not hear from one of Ektrosis’ talkative members, letting both I and the rest of the Taldryan summit aware of his plans for the future in various events through the GJW. For a great showing in the War and helping Taldryan place 2nd overall, I, with the grant of my Questor, award you a Dark Cross! Congrats, James!

-OT Shaz’air “Sidarace” Rathden Aedile, House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2009-05-11 22:38:00 UTC