Event Details

Event ID
Dakhar Zak'hun
Dark Cross
Requested by
Warlord Etah Obsidyn
Primary reason

Dakhar came out of nowhere, waking from a long slumber, transferring to Arcona and then going full throttle. In less than two weeks he has passed History of the Sith Empire I, History of the Sith Empire II, History of the Sith Empire III, Lightsaber Studies, Obelisk Core, Old Republic History, Pre-Republic History, Sith Core and Weapons Course, scoring a clean 100% on the majority and not getting anything below 90%. On top of that fairly solid accomplishment Dakhur has become a constant and welcome presence on IRC. Should he continue in the Brotherhood with this level of initiative and enthusiasm I predict this will be the first of many medals to come.

Warlord Etah Obsidyn, 2009-05-16 04:35:05 UTC