Event Details

Event ID
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Grand Cross
Requested by
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Tim is a unique force within Arcona, or indeed the Brotherhood as a whole. Over the years, he has helped shape Arcona to what it is today. But what I’m here to discuss is his work over the past few months.

Timeros has grown into the role of one of Arcona’s must trusted leaders and advisors, regardless of whether he’s in a leadership position himself. When he’s around, he’s always available for feedback on new ideas, projects and the like. He also has a lot of new ideas himself, and Arcona is always the first to benefit from those. I’d specifically like to mention his brilliant (and quite lengthy) ACC guide, where he carefully analyses the system, pointing out strengths and weaknesses in a level of detail and quality never before seen. Tim has also been intimately involved with Arcona’s internal policy decisions for the last six months. All in all, he’s pretty much an indispensable member of the Clan leadership.

Then there’s the Great Jedi War. During the leadership crisis in the middle of it, Timeros found himself stepping up from just a lowly member to Aedile, and Quaestor only days later. Not only has he performed admirably in the position ever since, his strategic planning and motivational texts were instrumental in Arcona’s war effort. Especially in the areas of team gaming and ACC, he’s played a large part in getting our members to participate and achieving the maximum result for our Clan.

Timeros participated in a stellar 16 GJW events, highlighted by his efforts for Arcona’s first place in Battleplan 1, his second place in the main ACC event, fifth place in the Recon fiction event and sixth place in the Battlefield Objectives ACC co-op event. Other events he participated in include Legends gaming, Sector Sketch graphics, Effects of War graphics, Skirmish 1 and Skirmish 2 gaming, Potent Ink poetry, the trivias, the codebreakers, Battleplan 2 and the run-on.

In short, Timeros has been one of Arcona’s most high-profile members in the War, both on the participation and leadership fronts. For this, and for his ceaseless efforts to make Arcona a better place for everyone, I am proud to present Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae with this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Well deserved, my friend.

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae, 2009-06-05 15:45:38 UTC