Event Details

Event ID
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Steel Cross
Requested by
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

I'd like to award Sang a SC for running CP Trivia for the past month and creating and running multiple competitions. For the last month, Sang has run a Clan Plagueis IRC Trivia event every Sunday. These have always been met with huge success, with multiple winners and many participants throughout the entire time. He also ran a continuous Caption Contest that was met with equal success. He served as the Prodigy of Plagueis, acting as a mentor for the new members during his entire time. He even continued to run these competitions after being appointed to AED in a different Clan, showing his dedication to completing all of his tasks. For this, I'd like to award Sanguinius Tsycura with a Steel Cross. Congratulations, Sang. This is well deserved. ~ CON Alaris Jinn di Plagia <br><br> Added to this, Sang’s time in Arcona has been brief, but he’s been active. Oh boy has he been active. Not only has Sang participated in the Clan RO, but he has also been submitting to the various BHG-themed competitions Strat and Tim have been running. On top of this, he’s been assisting the summit with the prospectus re-work, being given several administrative tasks by his QUA, Lego (each, I hear, he has performed admirably). Sang is a well-liked member of the clan that has fast made a lot of good friends in both houses, and is quickly becoming a symbol of the banter Arcona enjoys almost as it’s trademark, and I have very high hopes for the kid. Well done, mate. – Sashar Arconae.

Sashar Erinos Arconae, 2009-07-16 01:47:17 UTC