Event Details

Event ID
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Dark Cross
Requested by
Etah Obsidyn
Primary reason

Celahir has proven to be an able leader of Soulfire and a future leader of Arcona. He has performed every task I have asked him to including but not limited to; updating the Soulfire wiki article, running comps and reporting regularly. Recently while I was away on an unavoidable extended absence (one month IRL time), Cel rose to the occasion and capably administered one of the largest and most active factions within the Brotherhood and ran a successful clan wide competition at my direction. This shows great promise and for all these reasons and more Celahir deserves this Dark Cross as a token of my gratitude and in recognition for the able service he provided as Sergeant of the Soulfire Brigade.

~ (#8075) OP Etah d'Tana (Obelisk)/QUA-DOC/Galeres of Arcona Arcona Invicta in Aeternum

Etah Obsidyn, 2009-09-28 11:40:11 UTC