Event Details

Event ID
Legorii Arconae
Steel Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Medal Request: Steel Cross Archpriest Legorii Kryotek Entar (8893)

Legorii is one of those exceptional members. The kind you fleetingly see as 'young potential' before they are rapidly thrust into leadership within the Brotherhood and forged by the chaotic nature of it all. Then, in seemingly no time at all, they have become a cornerstone to the future of a Clan and the pillar of a House.

Since his last elevation, over five months ago, Legorii has collected seventy two (72) Clusters of Fire, five crescents (Cr-E, 3 Cr-S, Cr-A) and two (2) Scrolls of Foundation. In addition, he has served as the authority of House Qel-Droma for those five months, too. In that time, he has released ten reports and facilitated numerous competitions through his Aedile (Sanguinius).

As a Quaestor, he has tremendous tenacity. Legorii may be young, but he has a clear set of objectives and is evolving his vision to attain those goals every day. A large portion of his time is spent working with his Aedile. The pair share notes, ideas and Legorii provides direction as the pair continues to grow together. In fact, during my Dark Brotherhood career, I have never seen two leaders whom shared the same vision and executed as the way this pair does. I give a large portion of credit to the Quaestor for having a core set of beliefs and sticking to them. His constant contact with members (reports, e-mails, irc, etc), his vision (long-term goals, small projects, etc), and reputation (fiery, young leader) leave him far ahead of any Quaestor in the Dark Brotherhood.

I can only hope other leaders - within Arcona and out - look to Legorii for the playbook on how a Quaestor should conduct their affairs, coach their people and invigorate their member's activity. Congratulations, Legorii. You have most certainly earned your first Steel Cross.

Braecen Kaeth Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Braecen Kaeth, 2009-10-21 07:58:39 UTC