Event Details

Event ID
Zel Koo
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

I would like to ensure that DJK Sarak Jemaane knows that his service to House Revan is not only appreciated, but vital. Sarak has assisted me with a number of small tasks including maintaining contact with our new members and providing them guidance on how to have fun and advance in the club. He carries out these tasks immediately and efficiently and it is a great help.

Sarak is the first to volunteer for anything the House needs, his attitude is 100% positive and literally the model of behavior we strive for in Revan. We are lucky to have him.

Please grant him this small token of our gratitude as he continues his ascension to the Equites.

--Raken, Independent House Revan

Raken, 2009-11-23 19:32:23 UTC