Event Details

Event ID
Kano Tor Tydex
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Kano Verda has been a force to be reckoned with since his return and his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. he has been earning participating and winning in several competitions this month, as well as creating his own competition for the entire house. Most recently Kano has been participating in our clan run on, and has been making sure that everyone has had a chance to take part. Given that in our run on that there are only a certain amount of people to go after, Kano took it upon himself to create 10 more named characters, as well as their own biographies to go with them. I think with all this effort, and high level activity, Kano more than well deserves a Anteian Cross. Congrats!

Fremoc Pepoi, 2009-11-23 19:52:44 UTC