Event Details

Event ID
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

When Ood took over as Professor of the Department of Philosophy, we were pretty satisfied with the courses in that hall. Ood came in, however, with infinite ideas and plans for what he'd like to do to make things better, and he's holding to them. There are four courses in the Philosophy Department, but once Ood is finished it will not look the same. Already he has streamlined the two main courses, Force Philosophy and Force Cults, and turned them into Philosophy I: Ideals and Philosophy III: Cults. Obviously, he is hard at work as the middle ground there. At the same time, he is working on a revamp of Sith Alchemy, and still he manages to grade exams quickly. For his time and dedication as a marker of four exams, as well as his welcomed vision for the future and his determination to get us there, I recommend Ood for this award.

Zanet Xox, 2010-02-17 17:01:50 UTC