Event Details

Event ID
Jades A Sadow
Dark Cross
Requested by
Driftan Balephor
Primary reason

Jade came to the RoS party fairly late, but still found the time to submit to a couple of events; graphics and fiction, and then the co-operative fiction in the final week in partnership with Robert Sadow. In addition, she's been quietly putting away Shadow Academy degrees over the last few weeks, including the History and Writing degrees. As thanks for her participation in the RoS, and finding the time to enter those events, I would like to reward Jade Sadow with this Dark Cross. ~KPN Manji Keibatsu Sadow, Consul of Naga Sadow

As mentioned above, Jade came into the RoS a bit late, but none the less represented her Clan. A worthy contribution to her home, she wasn't going to let the Vendetta go without a fight. For her contribution, I'm glad to award her this Dark Cross. ~Taigikori Aybara Dupar; Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Driftan Balephor, 2010-02-27 22:07:40 UTC