Methyas was another Journeyman who leapt into the ACC with both feet for the RoS, taking the plunge into trying to grow to understand the platform while under the intense pressure of a 24-hour post limit. He unfortunately drew fairly short straws, being matched up against both Dalthid (the former Supreme Champion and Combat Master) and Vessicant (current Champion), but despite that (which, quite frankly, would have made me crap my pants when I was at his rank! :D) maintained his composure and fought his hardest. Regardless of the results of his battles, that determination is something we prize here in CNS, and it gives me great pleasure to recommend this Dark Cross for Methyas as a token of our appreciation. ~KPN Manji Keibatsu Sadow, Consul of Naga Sadow
Methyas, formally known as Sev has been one of our stronger members within the clan. As a battle team leader he's plowed through his responsibilities with poise, and gave his all during the Rite. For his work we're glad to give him this Dark Cross. Congrats! ~Taigikori Aybara Dupar; Proconsul of Naga Sadow
Driftan Balephor, 2010-02-28 00:03:07 UTC