Event Details

Event ID
Fremoc Pepoi
Grand Cross
Requested by
Driftan Balephor
Primary reason

Fremoc has been blazing along at an almost obscene rate since well before the RoS, and the Vendetta gave him a chance to exercise his ability to motivate his House. It worked; leading by example, Fremoc entered almost all of the events, and was a participant in the ACC every week. His own win/loss record in the ACC events is unimportant; by keeping up with the post time limit and encouraging other members of the House and Clan to make sure they didn't time out, Fremoc played an active part in motivating the Clan into doing their utmost to dominate in the ACC. He was on IRC almost every day of the Feud, encouraging others to enter the fiction and graphics events and working on his own submissions. Fremoc's activity during the Vendetta merely displays his loyalty and dedication to the Clan and his wish to contribute to CNS' victory. In addition, Fremoc has been doing a great job as Quaestor; he's been doing his best to keep his House active, pestering them into activity during the RoS, and working on his own projects to develop the fictional background of the House and provide his members with plenty to do. In short, Fremoc has been doing a great job, and it gives me great pleasure to recommend him for this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations! ~KPN Manji Keibatsu Sadow, Consul of Naga Sadow

After 5 months of having Fremoc as one of my Quaestors, I'm glad to finally being able to write this recommendation. He's one of our bolder members here in the Brotherhood, always looking for new ways to challenge himself. One example from a couple months ago, I came to Fremoc asking him if he'd be interested in helping with the restoration of the main SA wiki page. Fremoc agreed without hesitation, and sent the completed document to Aabsdu and myself not 24 hours after I had assigned him with the job. My largest knowledge of Fremoc's work is his work within my Clan. Submitting to nearly every competitive in the Rite of Supremacy, he shows us all what activity and leading by example should look like. As Quaestor his enthusiasm and brightness was something we all could take notes from, and this excellent participation is something I'm not going to forget easily. For his service, dedication, and persistence for Naga Sadow, we recommend him this Grand Cross. ~Taigikori Aybara Dupar; Proconsul of Naga Sadow

When I resigned from my position of Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos, I had faith in the obvious choice for my replacement. And luckily for him, he has performed as expected. Leading a House through an event such as a Rite of Supremacy is no easy task and Fremoc handled it as a strong Quaestor should. He inspired and directed his House in helping the Clan achieve third place overall. Along with his leadership, he also led by example by taking part in numerous events and leading from the front. For his effort and skill, I am proud to recommend Fremoc for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. – SWL Robert Sadow

During the time of the RoS Fremoc has been awesome, he kept people motivated through out the entire event while participating in it himself. His time as QUA so far has kept him running around trying to keep his house active while coming up with ideas to do that, he is currently working on a house fued for HMR. He has also been a help in me trying to gain confidence in writing for the ACC. ~Teu Pepoi, BTL of The Bastion

Driftan Balephor, 2010-02-28 12:39:14 UTC