Event Details

Event ID
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
Primary reason

Manji's service to the Antei Combat Centre since I became Combat Master has been nothing short of exemplary. Since May 2009 he has aided almost two dozen members in developing their skills to participate in the ACC by means of training and qualification battles. Alongside this, he has undertaken unofficial mentoring of members of his own Clan in the field - something that, while it might be considered a service to the Clan instead of the ACC proper, I feel it exemplifies his roles as a Trainer and an Operator. In addition, these duties have been executed on top of Manji's workload as Consul of Naga Sadow and as a Shadow Academy staff member.

I was remiss in not rewarding Manji for his work in the ACC sooner. An extra tag to throw on the ID line doesn't seem like much comared to his contributions to the ACC and the membership of the Brotherhood, but hopefully it will at least serve as a token of appreciation. Manji, thank you for all your hard work.

Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama, 2010-04-06 19:49:35 UTC