I'd like to apologize for the very delayed awarding of the Grand Cross to Frosty Romanae Tarentae. From his superb work in the RoS (helping Tarentum beat CSP and CP in the gaming round) to his Quaestor work in House Tridens, Frosty showed an exemplary valor and honor to the Tarentum to his house and clan, whether or not it was during a vendetta. His fictional upgrade of Tridens, with the support of Sith Bloodfyre, was short-lived due to the changes of houses, but Frosty knew where his loyalties truly lay - in the clan. He now begins work as Rollmaster of Gaming and I only expect great ideas from him in order to preserve and grow gaming in Tarentum. Thanks, Frosty.
General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-04-17 01:34:36 UTC