Event Details

Event ID
Dralin Fortea
Dark Cross
Requested by
Watchman Lontra Boglach
Primary reason

At the beginning of February, I put out a call as the Gladius RM for volunteers to assist in a recruitment project I had for the unit. By going through the rogues in the DB, the projected ask for the volunteers to individually invite members of the rogues back to activity and display Gladius and Tarentum as an open source for these members to join and use. A total of 314 emails were sent out by my volunteers to the rogues from ACO-DJM, each catering to the individual being emailed. Dralin was a late addition to the project, but resulted in being one of the top participants. Emailing over a third of the people, a total of 120 individual emails sent out by him, Dralin made contact with several rogues and brought them into Tarentum (a few like Knight, being returning members). For the efforts he made in this project, and because it was skipped as one of the reasons for his recent promotion, I'd like to recommend a Dark Cross for Dralin's efforts in this project. ~RK~

Watchman Lontra Boglach, 2010-04-25 12:33:22 UTC