Event Details

Event ID
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Grand Cross
Requested by
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

I’m running out of rewards to give Tim that suit his commitment. Seriously. He’s the go-to guy for everything and has done an excellent job supporting the summit during a time of calm where many of them were at loose ends at how to keep their units active without a war to focus on. He’s thrown himself into various time-consuming projects with no thought of reward time and time again, such as writing a set of amazing promotion templates that are more in line with Arcona’s new fictional background after the Rite then worked with Celahir to put them into one very easy-to-use excel document that means we can get promotions written in a minute or two, rather than the usual half an hour for the higher Journeymen ranks. He’s helped establish policy on the new Shadesworn document (that in itself is a titanic task, as it involved pleasing a fair few differing schools of thought, such as me in the old school, compared to the fresh new ideas the BTLs bring to the table), he’s been mentoring every single member of the summit, lending his years of experience to them whenever they ask for help, and his advice is always spot on what they need to hear, whether it’s gentle encouragement or a slap round the ear – he’s a de-facto second Consul to them when I can’t always be there; he’s even giving Celahir helpful pointers as he settles into PCON. On top of that, he finds time to help me with the ground forces reset and even pitch into Etah’s wiki reform project. There is literally nothing he cannot do (as long as we ignore gaming, which most people seem content to do). He’s also managed to only piss off one DC’er since the Rite, which is a new record for him. This is all taken into account with his having university exams during the Rite and afterwards, and he still finds time to participate in the ACC equite ladder. Honestly, I want to know how he fits that much activity into the day. Finally, he manages to handle all newcomers to the clan, getting them orientated and set up. On that same vein, he’s helped Celahir and I revolutionise the way Arcona handles its newcomers, offering a very people-intensive course ensuring maximum exposure to give every newbie a ‘one on one, hands on’ feel that guarantees they make friends and feel like part of a community. This has already started improving our newbie retention rate, and I cannot wait to see what it yields in the future. You’re a paradigm of what the snarkier members of the Brotherhood can aspire to be, Tim. Don’t ever change.<br><b>

  • Sashar Arconae.

Sashar Erinos Arconae, 2010-06-27 09:30:53 UTC