Event Details

Event ID
Ryben Tosh
Dark Cross
Requested by
Driftan Housan
Primary reason

Since joining the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and being assigned to Clan Arcona just ten days ago, Acolyte Raaba has gone above and beyond the expectations of a new member. He has taken to the Shadow Academy with gusto, passing 11 Shadow Exams with flying colors (one 83% and ten 100%s). Raaba has also been in active contact with his leadership, both via e-mail and mIRC, asking how he can help the Clan and what he needs to do to be promoted. Finally, Acolyte Raaba submitted his Character History and has recently registered on the Brotherhood Forums.

It is because of the aforementioned reasons (excellence in the Academy and being an exemplary new member) that I humbly request that a Dark Cross be bestowed upon Acolyte Raaba. Congratulations, you've earned it! Keep up the great work!

~Dark Jedi Knight Talos d'Tana, Aedile of House Qel-Droma

I would also like to add my bit here as well. It has been a long while since we have had a member in Qel-Droma who has shot out of the gate like Raaba. The Shadow Academy is ablaze as Raaba continues to work his way through course after course. I would like to continue to encourage this activity and hope that this Dark Cross is but the beginning of a bountiful career.

~Sith Warrior Driftan Housan, Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Driftan Housan, 2010-07-01 16:38:04 UTC