Event Details

Event ID
Fremoc Pepoi
Steel Cross
Requested by
Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Primary reason

Well what can I say about Fremoc? Since his induction to my staff anything and everything I have given him he has done so without complaint. He was highly involved with the Cluster of Fire reworking. Was also highly involved with the initial stages of rework to the Rites of Combat. After the Clusters of Fire had been fixed, and approved he took the time to make sure it was posted on the Wiki. Fremoc also has been a highly active and driving force for the gaming, by taking part in each of the competitions that have been run since my time as Fist. He has a plethora of ideas that will be used and have been used. Even going as far as taking the SWG Emu and making into a temporary guild for the Brotherhood. His research for Star Wars the Old Republic has been greatly appreciated. His abilities to handle server issues when I'm not around have also helped me with my other duties as well. He was there to test the initial maps also with giving some very informative feedback to each of the 8 maps. He has helped with some of the command line issues, and worked with me directly to solve the issues we were presented with initially. He also found several websites concerning the Jedi Outcast server command lines, before we knew Benevolent was able to handle this. Doing anything I have asked of him has been a great stress reducer. He was there posting the Old Republic information that came from the press conference at E3, and making sure to keep everyone on the edge of their seats. His activity within the gaming spectrum of the DJB has been as high if not higher than I would have expected with all the work that has been done, I do not know what I would do if I did not have fremoc on my staff. Hes been promoting all the gaming to people that idle in the channel, and keeping the gaming competition alive for each event. I have had him working on so many rough drafts to get all the kinks out of the clusters of fire, rites of combat, and his ability to communicate the issues are a major factor to why the documents are getting churned out so quickly. I would like to recommend this Steel Cross for Fremoc, as he has highly proved to me he was a perfect choice for Magistrate

Congrats Fremoc on this token of my appreciation for all your hard work,

SBL Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir The Fist to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir, 2010-07-02 15:37:41 UTC