Dralin has been a strong fictional force in the last three months, serving as Rollmaster of Fiction once Raiju Kang stepped down. Not only has he assisted in outlining the run-on "The King and the Gods," but he also wrote about 50% percent of every "Theocracy of the Unwilling" chapter from Chapter 4 to Chapter 7. His strive to contribute to the clan fictionally starts from as low as the battle team the Reckoners (he created their base The Mirage, helped found their hierarchy, and served as their second-in-command), to the middle with House Reinthaler as its new Quaestor, and to the very top with clan-wide fiction.
For his amazing work for Tarentum fiction and lore, I hereby request this small token of appreciation. Congratulations, Dralin.
General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-07-21 00:25:15 UTC