To Whom It May Concern:
GRD Eetherbiail has be a very active and great member of House Scholae Palatinae. For a long time now he has been a regular on IRC, as well as being a very active gamer. He has much to learn but works very hard to progress. I feel for his hard work and continued efforts he is deserving a Dark Cross. As the definition states âshow a strong level of activityâ and that is exactly what Eether has done.
XenâMordin Vismorsus, AED
Eether's master, AED Xen did not want so submit this himself for obvious reasons. I have glanced over this and agree wholeheartedly with everything expressed. As I said in my recent activity, he is a pillar within the Journeymen of HSP. He is quick to reply to emails and is a pleasure to talk to on IRC. I should just add that Eether is also embarking on ACC training with Koryn Thraagus, another sign of his determination to succeed. -A. Kalak Ragnose, Rollmaster of HSP.
Augustus "Kalak" Ragnose, 2010-08-29 10:31:58 UTC