Another newcomer from Tarentum, Raiju has already made a great impression on myself and Shaz'air since joining up. Since joining us a little over two months ago, he has participated in several different competitions. He placed twice during Disorder, earning himself both a Silver novae as well as a Bronze one. He too has communicated with his Housemates over IRC, and email. He has earned two Topaz Crescents (one for Bens Boot, and another for Smack The Sith II), 44 CFs, as well as a Legion of Scholar. Thank you for all of your hard work, Raiju!<br>
Anubis Annedu, Aedile of House Taldryan, Tribune<br>
Coming into the war Disorder Raiju displayed his knowledge and hard-working ethic for the Obelisk order and for his House. Participating in 6 events, Raij managed to place twice with a Bronze Nova and Silver Nova apiece. Added along with his novae this Prelate got down in the dirt, earning 44 clusters of fire for his prestige in gaming, he aided in the Obelisk being the dominant Order within this Vendetta. <br>
Pre-Vendetta, Raiju also earned himself two first-place awards for competitions âSmack the Sith Vol. IIâ and âWhere in the DB is Benâs Boot?â, bestowing upon his ID line two Topaz Crescents. As if this was not enough, he has also earned himself a Legion of the Scholar for placing in a trivia event. Email and IRC activity were by far a key part of his activity. For these reasons Ithe Taldryn Summit hereby award Raiju Kang of House Taldryan a Steel Cross. Congratulations and well done, Raij! Thank you for your help, and go Obelisk! <br>
-Quaestor Shazâair Taldrya
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2010-11-05 00:14:10 UTC