Event Details

Event ID
Fremoc Pepoi
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Fremoc Pepoi, he wears many hats here in the db. He is Aedile of House Naga Sadow and P: Fist, those are just the official titles he holds. His activity during the vendetta was extraordinary, participating in every event. Earning a silver nova on the battle team event. Besides this activity in the vendetta, he is someone who the newer members look up to. His constant presence on IRC allows those new members to quickly see that this is someone who knows the workings of the club and can then come to him for questions. Fremoc also was a main contributor in the recent arc of the HNS run on. Fremoc cares little about personal gain; his only wish is to see that others have fun in the club. In my opinion he has succeeded in every avenue. While I do not know what exactly he does in the Fist office, I know within House Naga Sadow he is someone who inspires people to be as active as they can be. His own constant flurry of activity makes him a person who leads by example. There are very few days that he isn’t working on a project or writing a post for the run on that is occurring and if he is not doing that is his gaming with others in the house. Fremoc is a great person and a great leader. I enjoy working beside him as Rollmaster. He is a insight of knowledge, anytime I have a question about something he almost immediately give me insight on what to do to make it better or even why it won’t work. Fremoc Pepoi deserves this award, it is a way to say thank you for everything that you do and continue to do with in the house and out.
Templar Teu Pepoi, House Naga Sadow Rollmaster

Fremoc has been taking part in a lot of activities lately, with one of his biggest being the P:F. He has been coming up with some ideas in how to keep people gaming and trying to get more people involved. Through his actions he has tried to spur a general movement within HNS, a House not well known for its gaming side, to do some gaming. He has also used his role to make sure in the vendetta that he took part in events and got others to take part in the gaming. He nearly did all of the events in the vendetta and has recently taken on the role of AED in HNS. He deserves this award. Congrats my apprentice!! KAP Jade Sadow

Fremoc is the definition of dedicated worker in the Brotherhood. His work with the Fist during the RoS as well as all his regular duties as P:Fist could be a strain on an average person but Fremoc manages to do those duties as well as stepping up and taking the Aedile spot for House Naga Sadow and hitting the ground running in that job as well. During Disorder Fremoc showed great dedication and support for the Obelisk Order by doing a whooping 15 out of the 16 events. In those events he place 3 times earning 2 1st place spots and a 2nd place spot. It is because of his not just numerous projects he works on but the amazing quality they turn out to be, that I believe Fremoc deserves to be awarded a Sapphire Blade. -Kano Tor Pepoi

Since taking over the HNS Quaestorship, I’ve had a few members influence me with their wisdom, their energy, and their own love for the House – but none more so than Fremoc Pepoi. This young man has made it a true pleasure to lead the House, as he embodies the sort of member that should obligate the leadership not to fail them. Fremoc is constantly looking for ways to improve the House and Club, and encourages others to do the same. He participated in nearly every event in the recent Vendetta, allowing his example to speak for his dedication, not rhetoric. Further, his work in the FIST’s office has made House Naga Sadow a force to be reckoned with in the gaming arena, a quality our House has sorely missed as it strives to be a competitor amongst the other Houses. As Aedile, his judgments are sound, his developing insight has proven to be invaluable and his humility allows him to seek wise council when he has questions. Fremoc is not afraid to take risks, either: a crucial quality to possess, in my humble opinion, if one is to learn and grow as a leader. Therefore, it is because of the above that I gladly lend my name to the list of recommendations to award Fremoc a Sapphire Blade. Congratulations!

~ Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow, HNS Quaestor and Son of Sadow

Darth Aeternus, 2010-12-08 14:05:26 UTC