Event Details

Event ID
Aerwin Tribwell-Urr
Grand Cross
Requested by
Cassandra El'sin
Primary reason

As a way to thank Kaira Rohana for her dedicated service and great work towards the job as Rollmaster, I would like to award her with an Antenian Cross. It was October 2009 when she was first promoted to the ranks of leadership, with her service lasting over one year, she has out done herself and general Dark Brotherhood Membership all together. She has hosted loads and load of competitions, completed dozens of reports and ensured that our Journeymen were always pushing for success. Also in this time she work on many projects such as keeping the Master and Student Program running, working on updating promotion and welcome emails along with many other tasks. Also she has been a hard working member on other fronts than just leadership, as she has received hundreds of Crescents for participation in competitions, Cluster of Fires for gaming and her latests awards, 4 Bronze Nova for great work within the last vendetta event. All together, she has been a great member to Plagueis, and deserves to be awarded for her achievements up to date. Thank you Kaira for just being an Awesome Member and I hope the best for your future!

In Darkness

SW Cassandra El'sin

Cassandra El'sin, 2010-12-12 00:19:08 UTC