Event Details

Event ID
Celahir Erinos Arconae
Steel Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Ah Celahir, my predecessor and one of the better Consuls we have seen in recent years, this guy held Arcona together when many others might have failed. He faced the dissolution of the Clan’s and managed to turn all of the anger that a lot of people felt about being downgraded and channelled it intoactivity to try and keep spirits around Arcona up, and it worked. People worked harder than ever before to try and prove that we were worthy of becoming a Clan once more, and it’s a plan that is still shamelessly plugged now by my summit and I. However, to say that Celahir is a one-trick pony would be woefully unfair, as he has many more strings to his bow than simple leadership. I won’t go into the nitty-gritty of his specific activity here, but he has shown himself capable of coding, writing, drawing as well as general activity such as courses, his previously mentioned leadership as well as his humour which keeps spirits up throughout the House on a constant basis. Celahir was a fantastic leader for the Clan/House and his devotion since stepping down has shown little sign of wavering, and I feel that such dedication should be rewarded. Cel, you’re awesome; keep it up dude and congratulations.

SBL Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae Arcona QUA

With ten months of constant leadership, a work ethic that breached all expectation and an approachability that dwarfs most careers, Celahir has done more than his fair share for Arcona and as a result, I believe he should be rewarded. Stepping into the shoes of Consul of Clan Arcona, Celahir had some very large shoes to fill and this was something he managed to do exceedingly well. His constant presence and his ability to rectify any mishap, situation or quarrel did not go unnoticed and the unrelenting dedication he showed to Arcona during times of struggle exemplified his heart-felt devotion to making not only Arcona, but the brotherhood as a whole, a much nicer place to be. Assuming the title of Consul toward the end of June, Celahir hit the ground running, establishing clear frameworks and foundations within Arcona. He immediately began wiki reforms, BattleTeam reorganisation and a general clean up. After this, he proceeded to build yet more bridges between Arcona and other clans with the Arconan presence within the Tarentum Run-On “The King and the Gods”, wherein Celahir along with volunteers participated in a bilateral storyline with Tarentum. Not only within a directly DB-related form did his influences reach however; having reinvigorated the Arcona website, and the Arcona Quote-Database, Celahir was able to provide a sense of unity within the clan through this item. When the removal of Clan status came about over the Dark Brotherhood, Celahir was forced to make some tough decisions and completely reshape the clan, even after initiating such an intensive restructuring previously; again, Celahir shot to the fore he made some difficult decisions and began from step one without as much as a sigh. The eminence of his unfaltering loyalty to Arcona never lagged as he pushed stronger and harder to do the best he could, with limited resources, to provide Arcona and the Brotherhood with a sense of camaraderie and fellowship. This was achieved through a complete reshuffle of Arcona’s battleteams, the promotion of activity within the Disorder event (In which he acquired a Gold Nova for his efforts within the winning Battleplan) and through his overwhelming loyalty to each and every member of the clan. It is fair to suggest that Celahir was, and always will be, one of the most significant members to pass through the ranks of Arcona. The lasting effects of his tenure as Consul will be felt for some time; he will always remain a vital pillar in the structure of Arcona and it is for all the reasons mentioned above that I would like to recommend him for a Steel Cross. Congratulations, Celahir. Wuntila Aedile of House Arcona

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2010-12-29 16:24:57 UTC